Programs » Extra-Curricular


Get Involved!


Junior Drama:  Participation in our annual drama production is open to all Grade 5-8 students.  Students are encouraged to join the production as on stage performers or in supporting the production behind the scenes with costumes, scenery, refreshments, ticket sales, special effects/sound or as prompters.


Team Sports: Ochre River teams have been involved in volleyball and basketball events at the divisional level.  Participation is open to Grades 5-8 students, with practices occurring twice a week during the respective seasons. 


Movie Nights:  During the school year we host Friday Night movies, usually about once a month.  These movies are open to all students free to attend and the school canteen is open for the sale of popcorn and other refreshments. 


School Camping:  During the 2017/18 school year Grades 5-8 students were invited to "Camp-In" the school gym overnight.  Students were involved in several activities including; hide and seek, a  movie, sports and making of supper and breakfast.


As with most events these activities always run smoother thanks to community support.  Anyone who would like to get involved is encouraged to contact the school.